Humanisme & Mindfulness - 11, 12, 13 septembre 2015

Mindfulness for children

  • Keynote : Eline Snel.
  • Panel : Eline Snel, Vincent Paré, Laurence Gaspary, Catherine Lannoy, Nathalie Bourgeois, Candice E. Marro, Maria-Lisa Guidi, Bastien Isabelle.


Eline Snel's intervention

Facilitating factors for implementation of mindfulness in schools :

National educational system

  • Awareness of a growing need for mindfulness as a possible answer to many problems
    Concentration, stress, classroom disorder, behavioral problems, bullying, lack of compassion, low
    Self-esteem, impaired wellbeing, anxiousness
  • Political and societal discussion on the curriculum for 2032
  • Decentralization
    Relative freedom for schools and teachers to determine their own curriculum
  • Less pressure from (external) standardized tests
  • A high standard education for teachers in mindfulness for children
  • Budget for schools and teachers to follow mindfulness courses


  • Educational leadership
    principals/managers with a positive vision on mindfulness, facilitating teacher training in mindfulness (for children) and introduction of mindfulness in their schools;
  • Educational vision/aims/values connected with mindfulness
    school vision/concept/ aims regarding educating the whole child, wellbeing, anti bullying, promoting concentration, (self) compassion. Fulfilling the natural needs of children to be autonomous, competent and related to others
  • Human resources management aimed at the wellbeing, stress prevention of teachers
  • Bottom up strategy
    Start with teachers who are motivated, interested and willing (the early adopters).
    Never force teachers to follow mindfulness courses;
    Let teachers experience mindfulness exercises, (show, don’t tell, in workshops, informational meetings, etc.)
    Teachers need a structural method for teaching mindfulness to children.
  • “Specialized” mindfulness teachers
    financial and organizational possibilities to let teachers train children in other classes than their own;
    Teachers who are not educated as a child trainer do daily short mindfulness exercises the in cooperation with the educated child trainers.



Information on how to practice at home (informally). If possible: a parenting course